Anywhere, baby.

It’s been a hodgepodgey week in the ‘drews, complete with a Jaunary clean-through of the flat and yard. Glorious.

Baby, today we’re headed for the ever-classy London for several days, before flying out to the States. I won’t deny I’ve wasted time this week watching tours of Cracker Barrel and Moonshine Ridge in the anticipatory glow. I still burst into jumping up and down, clapping with jubilee. I cannot wait for the great American welcomes that always come, the wide roads and tall pines. I cannot wait to hug the girls. 8 months has been too long. (photo credits to the hubby)

Lately I feel like a bumblebee buzzing around the globe. Our suitcases are feeling lots of love, and being married to Walker has meant the delights of travel have expanded like a dinosaur sponge: traveling is massively better now. I’m not even talking about getting to walk through the business elite lines at the airport; it’s just nice to be with him. We’re excited about our roadtrip in America, spending time in the car together. And that’s what I wanted to share. Our travels, together, in a single year. I made up this book with the carrot of a Shutterfly freebie dangling in front of me. Enjoy!

We're off across rolling green hills and past ancient churches on a train to London. And thence, the spacious skies; let the 2011 travels begin!