Month: January 2012

Packages and pigeons

Starting to write again reminds me there is so much to share that I haven’t yet processed---that time will come. But today, my blog is fresh, and feels like it’s caught up with life. My About page doesn’t say we live in Scotland, so I’m opening the door to see what’s here today. Because, we're in Brooklyn, and reminiscing about Europe is getting old, right? You thought I’d never say this, but know what I love about New York? Opening my door to find packages in the hallway with my name on them. W…


Seeing New York

Something peculiar about New York. There’s so much to see here that I’m starting to see nothing. I can’t hold images the way I could in Scotland where a single poppy-red bird told me a whole story, became my friend. The faces which had me intrigued several months ago now skim by me on the subway as I look at the time, the time that is always creaking and then quickly sliding away. Something about me. I want every word I write to be perfectly logical, grammatical, and sensical. My thoughts are n…