There is one day in your life when you walk down the aisle, and everything after that has a film of happiness sheathed around it, and you don't remember each instant as crisply as you'd like. Awesomely for us, we got to do the celebrating twice. Walker's family kindly hosted a hip reception in our honour days after our honeymoon, predominantly for family and friends from Minnesota who were unable to attend our wedding. (Photos are recently in, courtesy of the ever-wonderful Vick Photography and my sister, Danielle. Thanks!)
We wanted the Minnesota reception to contrast with our wedding, so it was far from traditional chamber-music-and-historic-house of our Jersey reception. With exotic flowers bursting above the tables, neon green table clothes, and jazz bands, it was hosted in one of the foremost contemporary art museums in the world with catering by the same group as the Oscars: enter the cool club.

Serendipity---the art museum is called the Walker Art Center. Walker loved that as we drove there, we could follow signs that said something like "Walker this way." Ok, then!
Another cool thing was that we were much more at ease than our wedding, and so we could smile without wondering who we had forgotten to greet, and we could spend time really talking to the guests. Imagine being in a room of 150 people, knowing about 30 of them, and feeling like a superstar. Walker is well-loved, and somehow I'm now part of that. I wish I could thank everyone who listened to me, smiled at me, shook my hand as if I was famous. I hope someday we do the same for many, many newlyweds.

Highlights of the night included seeing our families and friends,

delish food (as all of our receptions),

a video by Walker's dad, a poem by my dad, and speeches by lots of my favorite people, including my favoritest.

Talk about all out; they even hired live flower-holders

or not. Oh, dads.
I know there are way too many photos of me in this post, but I'm actually crying with laughter in this photo, which clearly shows how hilarious my husband is; it always feels so nice to say my husband.

Goodness, I'm crazy about this guy, more now than when these were taken. (I focus on the trivial, but how exactly were we so tan? Scotland has bleached us!)

Celebrating epic moments is a necessity, but celebrating with such (another!) spectacular soiree was an incredible treat.

It was a beautiful night.