Life isn’t fair, and I’ve known since I was a little girl whose dad made up songs for her that I was extra-extra blessed. I thought long and hard about how my life could be back then, and always came back to the decided conclusion that I had the best of all possible worlds. That was because of where I was placed, the family I was given.
And this weekend was such a celebration of that goodness. My dad turned 15 on Leap Year, and Walker helped me plan a 60th dinner incorporating all this favorite dishes. The best part was that my sister flew in for an oh-so-short but oh-so-packed-with-goodness trip, and surprised him. Sitting around our antique table here in Brooklyn with my family, eating local foods and laughing, having the lights dimmed just right and just the right number of candles was so nice.
This weekend I laughed until I was breathless, remembering. But even better, Walker was in it all. He walked us around to breakfast and shopping, and then set the table and music. He texted my sister when to come down off the roof (yes, she was hiding up there) when my parents came, and took photos of us on the carousel (my 4th time, I’d say). I am still in the best of all possible worlds.

I’m learning once again that even when life seems unpleasant—when there are three things you’d change and then life would be ok—that that is oh so not true. Because without those winds, the goodness would seem still and stale. Living in New York is the best place we could be right now, even when we miss clomping through damp sand with wellies and warming up in quaint coffeeshops. The best of all possible places for us, for now. Bonus--my family is near.

Happy Birthday, Happy REAL Birthday, to the best dad in the world. Countless lives are so much better because of your grace, Dad.