We went to Scandinavia about half a year ago now, and here I find this dormant, half-written post. I'll take one for the team and finish it up, even though it's embarrassingly late, because this is worth seeing, over and again:

We slid from Denmark to Sweden to Norway on trains--cutting through glacial hunks of icy mountain and past surging waterfalls. Here are some sights from the train (which I don't mean to be so Alie-centric, but someone else had the camera . . . even when I protested.)

I like writing partly for the secondary pleasure of remembrance, of bringing back fresh spaces, new tastes, a comforting whiff. Months after, I think of Sweden as clean, and open, and green.

Here in Brooklyn my food processor has been whirring away, and we've made many trips laden with farm-fresh food (and I realize I just used my whole quota of the word laden for the year---but since it's autumn, I'm allowed once). Thanksgiving, and the comfort of gathering family and friends over bounty, has long been my most treasured day of the year, and this year as ever, we savor the brisk air, and we are filled and filled again with gratefulness.
Things I am loving in New York? More time with friends. Makers. Fall fruits and squash. Beautiful short boots everywhere. A good-temperature in the subways. A new stationer in town! Small restaurants and expansive farmer's markets. Family together. Dvorak at Lincoln Center. Trees in shop windows.
It is a good time to be in New York.
Happy belated Thanksgiving!