Just under a month ago, we took a trip to the land of rolling woods crisped and toasted by the autumn. For years, we've planned to wander up the Hudson, and for some reason it never came together until our friends/neighbors found a nook in the country, and booked it.
The whole weekend couldn't have been more idyllic. I was whisked away from work by a car packed with weekend supplies and this little guy who melted my heart all weekend.

After dinner in New Paltz and some serious winding through dark, dark roads, we landing in pretty much my dream house.

Not too big, not too small, it warmed quickly and creaked often. There were corners all over the house with down cushions, rows of white-framed windows, and just enough exposed wood.

We spent long, slow mornings cooking up breakfasts of roasted apple oatmeal, slow-cooked eggs with avocado, and lots of granola with yoghurt. It was my favorite part of the day.
One afternoon, we hiked in Saugerties to the famed lighthouse (in the river!) through tall dry reeds.

One morning we hiked to Kaaterskill Falls through woods with most of the leaves thickening the path instead of the trees. The Falls were taller than Niagara, and once one of the most popular tourist destinations in America (so the tourist sign informed me). But it was the scent of the forest and the light on the floor that I liked even better than the falls.

As always, a highlight of the trip were stops at farm stands, this time for cider, wild mushrooms, and itty brussels sprouts which our friend Paul cooked into the most incredible dishes.

A few highlights of the trip that went unphotographed were dinner at the Crimson Sparrow in Hudson, visiting Sawkille and Pacama, utterly gorgeous shops, stops in Woodstock and Rhinebeck, and late evenings by the fire.

So grateful for this rejuvenating fall getaway. And onward into the holidays!