So. I am feeling pretty nostalgic for this pretty country

after an early morning wakeup to watch the royal wedding. Last one, we were happily cozied in our stone flat, and spent the day toasting with dear friends. What a thrill. We will never not be nostalgic for the salty, storied island where we fell in love.

It’s been a while since I’ve written about anything but travel, so thought I’d take a wee break from restaurant recommendations and itineraries. This year has held the most trips in a 3 month span of my life, and yet I won’t document much of it here, since the majority has been business hotels and take out.
Since February, together we’ve been to Hawaii, Portland, Richmond and most recently, Minnesota for Mother's Day.
On business, I’ve been to Austin, San Diego, LA, Atlanta, Minnesota and San Francisco. And best of all, I squeezed in a quick trip to Arizona to see my baby nephew.
I’ve thought a lot about travel in the dozens of hours zipping over the ocean. Each trip makes me braver, forces me to listen to new stories, and watch the world from others’ eyes. And also, reminds me how very lucky I am to have taken 21 flights this year. I not-so-secretly love being in airports: I understand the rules in that weird glass world, and don’t mind the stale air because of the promise of a new place it holds. And insider tip: I have recently uncovered Sticky Rice Chips hide in nearly every airport. Sorry to everyone who sits next to me on a flight, as they are so crispy they nearly squeak with each bite. (Photo from my airport hotel in SF!)

Traveling also reminds me of the joys in ordinariness and everyday life.
The trains bounding over our roof and us yelling above them when we sit on it with friends. The subway musician I rush by in the morning, and then walk back to hear. Our chatter at checkout with our grocer. When we’ve been here, we’ve continued our walks over the Manhattan Bridge in quest of rolled ice cream with mochi piled high atop. We watch the river whiten in the rain often this spring. We burn beeswax candles every evening with dinner. We don’t often take the time to celebrate what a beautiful world, but so it is.
New York these days, the trends are Vans with a white wave, loafer slides, florals (yes, yes!), activated charcoal drinks and ice cream, and basically all the jeans from the 80s.
Thanks for still reading, despite the lackluster post volume and enthusiasm sometimes. We still love sharing in our little internet shed here. The more we are gone, the more home feels like home, and this little blog is part of that. Come back soon for the final photos from Vietnam and Hawaii!
ps. This post brought to you, with the exclusion of Scotland pics, from my unedited iPhone photos.