(STILL a year late. Catching up!) After arriving in Santiago from Punta Arenas, we were delivered to our hotel, The Singular, which was clean, beautiful and very well serviced. We loved it there in the nabe of Lastarria, and our first night, had dinner at the hotel. We woke early the next morning for a full day drive with guide Felipe. He was a bit of a character, and was mainly interested in showing us the graffiti.

Not our biggest interest, but the city's colors did pop and swirl around us. The rainbow of buildings stacked up and down the hills were dingy up close but lovely from afar.

Can you spot Alie's least favorite graffiti? Hint: greasy bird.
The city itself was fairly small, bustling. There was a naval demonstration happening, which kindof made the city look under siege

To be honest, I don't think we'd return, but walking up and down the streets, each revealing a new view down the city or a floral alley, was fun.

In my notes of the visit, I wrote the the city was smoky, which I don't remember distinctly now, looking at the floral photos.
We took a rickety funicular up the hill (and one of us who doesn't like heights walked), and the views from the top were like a candy shop,

an actual candy shop!

We also had a bit of trouble finding said step-walker, as this photo demonstrates.

We took some refreshment at a small cafe, and the glory of the light on our backs was delicious. Short sleeves in November!

And then walked down what felt like endless stairs to the car.

The boho and careless spirit of the city was relaxing, but not the constant warnings from our guide to watch our bags. But our next stop, for lunch was the Bodegas Re Winery beautifully situated among rows of rose bushes, with few other people in sight, safe all around.

Such a refreshing change from the dusty and grimy city.

The winery served us lunch, paired with their wines, and then gave us a tour of their ferments, many with local fruits.

And they showed us their ancient method of clay pots.

and they are the only winery in the world to use this type of large clay to age the wine in this way (can you tell I can't remember any details? I'm sure it's obvious!)

All in all, we called it a beautiful afternoon and the landscape truly was restful.

What a rich, color-filled country, Chile!