Places we've been:
- Bargème
- Eze
- Grimaud
- Nice
- Saint-Tropez
Trips we've taken:

Nice times in Nice

Villages Surrounding Saint-Tropez

Saint-Tropez, France
Having never been to southern France, when I imagined visiting Saint-Tropez, I thought of bright beaches and sparkling sunglasses and navy blue bathing suits. But after a 6½ hour flight direct from NYC into Nice and a quick drive, we arrived in a town that I can only describe as quaint, quiet and pristine. The pastel buildings were painted pale colors, as perfect as a fresh box of chalk. We learned from a waiter, after pronouncing it phonetically for months, that the real pronunciation is …

the post about everything
I might seem a little lost these days, but I do know that it’s not May. Someday I’ll fix that. For now, I'm celebrating that we have internet, which has been hard to come by; thanks for reading despite my trickle of posts lately. I feel like I’m sharing with an old friend and there is far more to say than there is time. This past month we've just been so onthego. From Switzerland, we went to Paris, Scotland, Minnesota, and then drove to New York, and here we are! Let’s start with Paris. I was to…