Happy November! We are both fully obsessed with autumn, and this year, we cheered especially heartily for the summer to leave, as it kept prolonging humid days.

Since September, we've visited Maine, France and Italy, so haven't had a chance to visit our favorite fall destination for pumpkins, my aunt and uncle's fresh-blown farm in Connecticut. We actually traveled up for a birthday, but didn't take many photos, so thought we'd share some fall glory from last year that we never got around to posting, in the spirit of autumnal revelry.

The farm celebrates all seasons, and I love each for its own: berries in the spring, squash in the fall, Christmas trees in winter, and wine all the year around. But since fall is my gold ribbon season, it has a special sparkle. Can you believe this light?

Or these colors?

Each year, the farm decorates to a theme, and here was last year's:

All the activities (corn maze, hay rides, even displays on cooking squash) were themed in the fiesta spirit. As always, there were probably 50 varieties of squash and pumpkins. I love pink and green ones.

My aunt taught me that butternut make the very best pumpkin pie for their density of flavor, sweetness, and low water content, compared to orange pumpkins.

I never tire of squash: it is delicious sweet and salty and everything in between. Just tonight, I actually made pumpkin risotto and pumpkin grain-free granola bites. And it is just such a pop of colorful joy.

Who doesn't love pumpkin? Seriously, I know no one.

The winery serves seasonal bites and wines in the most fairytale barnyard, that is transformed in the winter to Santa's wonderland.

I haven't looked at these photos in a year since Walker took them, and I'm wishing I could be back there in this fall glory this instant.

We always make a stop at Beardley's Cider Mill across the street for Walker's donut fix, and the smell of just-pressed apples in the air.

The Connecticut land rambles with stone fences, and I love that the conifers emerge from the fall fields; it's their turn next!

He's never in photos, because he's making them, but I'm always so very happy to be in beautiful places with my favorite chap. Into the holidays then, my favorite and the most wonderful part of the year!